Wall Tile Adhesive & Grout Mould Resistant

Features and benefits

EVO-STIK Mould Resistant Wall Tile Adhesive & Grout is an easy to use, brilliant white, ready-mixed ceramic wall tile adhesive & grout. It is mould resistant and waterproof when set. Suitable for use in kitchen and bathroom areas subject to frequent and prolonged wetting and for domestic shower walls when applied by the solid bed method.
Suitable materials: for use with surfaces such as cement rendering, plaster, plasterboard, old glazed tiles, wood and wood composite panels.
Sizes: 1 Litre Economy (SKU 30811580), 2.5 Litre Standard (SKU 30812623), 5 Litre Large (SKU 30812624)
Colour: White
Frequently Asked Questions
Economy 1.1m² notched trowel 0.35m² Solid Bed
Standard 2.6m² notched trowel 1.3m² Solid Bed
Large 5.3m² notched trowel 2.6m² Solid Bed
Trade 10.5m² notched trowel 5.3m² Solid Bed
Grouts up to 6m² per kg
Coverage is dependent upon the nature of the substrate, the adhesive bed thickness, the tile dimensions and the width of the grout joints.
As Adhesive: 24 hours at 20°C on standard backgrounds. 72 hours at 20°C on impervious backgrounds.
As Grout: 24 hours.
Safety Data Sheets
The Safety Data Sheet for this product is available on an external website. Follow the link to download